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Tips to Migrate Your Email Hosting to Another Hosting Provider

Tips to Migrate Your Email Hosting to Another Hosting Provider

Most of them stick with the same email hosting that came included when they buy a domain and hosting services, paddling with it regardless of unsatisfactory service, whether it is due to unawareness or fear of losing data.

But honestly, migrating your domain email address is as simple as purchasing one.

In this article, we will examine some simple tips that will help you migrate your email hosting to another hosting provider.

When is the Best Time to Migrate Email from One Host to Another?

There might be several reasons for migrating emails from one host to another. For instance-

  1. You are unhappy with the service you are getting from your current email hosting provider.
  2. You have outgrown your email hosting plan while exhausting all features provided by your email hosting provider.

Whatever the reason, timing for migration is essential. It is always recommended to conduct a migration process when there is low activity to avoid disruption.

Tips to Migrate Email Hosting

Although some may not agree, the manual method of migration is relatively straightforward and diminishes the risk of data loss. By following these easy steps, you can easily migrate your email hosting.

1.       Choose a New Email Hosting Provider and Create an Account

The first step for migrating your email hosting is picking an email hosting provider in Australia. Once you have selected, create an account with a unique password.


  • Ensure you do not use weak or duplicate passwords. Create your password with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and some special symbols.
  • If you want to keep specific old inboxes, make them again on the new email server. It’s a crucial step to ensure a smooth migration process.

2.      Setting Up an Account (New) on Your Device with a New Email Server

Now that you have created a new email hosting account in Australia, the next step is setting up your new email hosting account on your selected device. For that, get the right server configuration from the new hosting provider. Once you do that, update all the configurations in all devices you need to access your email from.

3.      Accurately Update DNS Records

Now that you are done configuring, you ought to set DNS records with a new email hosting provider. Confirm all the details from your DNS host.

Then, update all these records to a new hosting account like MX or CNAME records. Be careful and take time; ensure they are accurately updated. Once all the DNS records get updated, your email gets secured to send emails.

Tip-You can find domain registration details under the nameserver option(this is where all your existing DNS records are)

4.     Configurations Need in New Hosting Account

This stage is easy but essential when you need to set up your new email hosting in Australia. Follow these steps to configure your new account-

  • You need login in with your new account (which you just created for the new email server)
  •  Use the right IMAP and SMTP (if preparing to change to an email hosting in the Australian option like business email, as it automatically catches your email server).
  • Now your new hosting account is configured as per your needs, you can easily send or receive emails. Make use of the drag-and-drop option to move your emails.

5.      You can move your emails

It is advisable to move a manageable amount of email at once, as it can be overwhelming and can create issues. Don’t forget manual migration is time-consuming.

All your emails will be first downloaded from your old server to your local disk and then migrated to the new account. With this, all your emails will be effortlessly migrated to a new server.


Some email hosts provide tools that help in easy migration, but if that’s different from what you are offered, then follow the above.

Migration can be overwhelming, so don’t hesitate and always get an email host that provides 24/7 support.

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